Binding equilibrium

Simple binding

ID: binding_eq_simple [view] [download] [versions] [download data]
System:equilibrium binding E + L <=> EL
Simulate:Signal proportional to [EL]

Lattice binding

ID: lattice_binding [view] [download] [versions] [download data]
System: equilibrium binding of protein to linear lattice; binding is non-cooperative and sequence-independent
Simulate:Signal proportional to concentration of bound protein
Note: If lattice is long enough to bind 30 proteins or more, the model uses method from [Tsodikov2001]. Otherwise, method from [Epstein1978] is used.
Model and data appeared in [Levin2002].

Multi-site binding – conformational change

ID: binding_unfolding_eq [view] [download] [versions]
System: Binding equilibrium of multiple ligands to a macromolecule followed by unfolding. Each ligand binds independently. Binding of s1 ligands can lead to unfolding and binding of additional s2 ligands
Simulate: signal proportional to the fraction of complexes that underwent conformational change
Note: This revision of the model [view] and this dataset [download] were used in [Wieland2009].

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)

FCS 3D diffusion

ID: fcs_acf3D [view] [download] [versions] [download data]
System: FCS experiment; fluorescent particles diffuse in 3 dimensions through Gaussian observation volume where particles are excited and the emitted light is captured
Simulate:autocorrelation function of photons emitted by multiple groups of particles

FCS anomalous 3D diffusion

ID: fcs_acf3D_anomal [view] [download] [versions]
System: FCS experiment; fluorescent particles diffuse anomalously in 3 dimensions through Gaussian observation volume where particles are excited and the emitted light is captured
Simulate: autocorrelation function of photons emitted by multiple groups of particles

Equilibrium titration by FCS

ID: fcs_binding [view] [download] [versions] []
System: Binding equilibrium of a fluorophore and a substrate measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy F + S <==> F*S
Simulate:autocorrelation function of photons emitted by free and bound fluorophore
Note: assume equilibrium conditions; assume binding slower than diffusion, 1/(kon+koff) << tD

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)

SPR binding

ID: spr_binding [view] [download] [versions]
System: binding of analyte from solution to immobilized ligand with multiple binding sites measured by SPR; A + L <==> AL
Simulate:SPR signal from binding of analyte at constant concentration followed by its release at zero concentration
Note:uses analytical solution for binding ODEs; assumes homogenous analyte population and rapid mass-transport

SPR binding-conformational change

ID: spr_bind_conf_change [view] [download] [versions] [download data]
System:binding of analyte from solution to immobilized ligand with multiple binding site measured by SPR; analyte binding is followed by a conformational change; A + L <==> AL <==> B
Simulate:SPR signal from binding of analyte at constant concentration followed by its release at zero concentration
Note:uses analytical solution for binding-conformational change ODEs; assumes homogeneous reactant populations and rapid mass-transport

Enzyme kinetics

Sum of exponentials

ID: exponentials [view] [download] [versions]
Simulate: single exponential or a sum of exponentials – growing or decaying

DNA unwinding by helicase

ID: unwinding [view] [download] [versions]
System: unwinding of double-stranded nucleic acid by a helicase moving in uniform steps
Simulate: amount of nucleic acid strand released after the intact duplex becomes shorter than critical
Note:assumes homogeneous helicase population; this assumption was shown to be incorrect for some cases. Model uses method described in [Lucius2003].

Helicase translocation

ID: translocation_02 [view] [download] [versions]
System: translocation of a helicase on nucleic acid fueled by ATP hydrolysis
Simulate: fluorescence change due to dissociation from the substrate (no re-bining), release of Pi, product of ATP hydrolysis
Note: helicase occupies discrete positions on substrate; substrate is assumed to be in excess over helicase; requires rsys MEX-file library


System: polymerization process with a certain number of intermediates; at each step polymerase can either synthesize the next intermediate or dissociate rendering the intermediate inactive
Simulate:kinetics of polymerization products including all intermediates
ID: polymerization_me [view] [download] [versions]
Note: first order ODEs solved by matrix exponential
ID: polymerization_ni [view] [download] [versions]
Note: first order ODEs solved by numerical integration

RFC clamp loader

ID: RFC_minimal_01 [view] [download] [versions]
System: Loading a clamp protein onto DNA by RFC; kinetic steps include binding/release/hydrolysis of ATP and binding/release of DNA
Simulate: signal due to RFC*DNA binding; signal due to Pi*PBP binding; fraction of ATP hydrolyzed
Note: RFC_minimal_01.m requires rsys MEX-file library for solving mass-action ODEs.
This revision of the model [view] and this dataset [download] were used in [Chen2009].


[1] I. R. Epstein. Cooperative and non-cooperative binding of large ligands to a finite one- dimensional lattice. A model for ligand-oligonucleotide interactions”. Biophys. Chem. 8. 327–339. 1978.

[2] M. K. Levin and S. S. Patel. Helicase from hepatitis C virus, energetics of DNA binding”. J. Biol. Chem. 277. 29377–29385. 2002.

[3] O. V. Tsodikov, J. A. Holbrook, I. A. Shkel, and M. T. Record. Analytic binding isotherms describing competitive interactions of a protein ligand with specific and nonspecific sites on the same DNA oligomer”. Biophys. J. 81. 1960–1969. 2001. < /span>

[4] A. L. Lucius, N. K. Maluf, C. J. Fischer, and T. M. Lohman. General methods for analysis of sequential"n-step" kinetic mechanisms: application to single turnover kinetics of helicase- catalyzed DNA unwinding”. Biophys J. 85. 2224–2239. 2003.

[5] S. Chen, M. K. Levin, M. Sakato, Y. Zhou, and M. M. Hingorani. Mechanism of ATP-driven PCNA clamp loading by S. cerevisiae RFC”. J Mol Biol. in press.

[6] M. Wieland, M. K. Levin, K. S. Hingorani, F. N. Biro, and M. M. Hingorani. Mechanism of Cadmium-mediated Inhibition of Msh2-Msh6 Function in DNA Mismatch Repair”. Biochem. in press.

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